Saturday, July 18, 2009

Peanut Cactus

According to a forum entry by a French pro cactus gardener, "The most recent name for the peanut cactus is Echinopsis chamaecereus.It used to be called Chamaecereus sylvestrii.It is mostly still sold under that name.The plant as found in the wild(Argentina) has red flowers.It has been crossed extensively with other Echinopsis (or Lobivia) species in order to obtain new and original flower colours."

All that I know about this plant is that it doesn't like to be out in the cold. Oh sure, it survives but it doesn't like it! The picture below shows what happened to the plant when I placed it outside this spring. The nights were getting down to 50 degrees F and it turned scrawny and red. Finally, I gave up on it recovering while outside and I brought it back in. Within a few days, the plant greened up again and began looking like the picture above.

It seems to like being watered but will let you know when it needs it by drooping over the sides of the pot. Mine has not flowered yet but I'm looking forward to the day because the flowers should be pretty large compared to the size of the plant.

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