The Golden Barrel Cactus is officially an Echinocactus grusonii, or ... some people call it a mother-in-law's seat! My Golden Barrel is almost 14 inches in diameter. When I planted it three years ago, I believe it was only about 10 or 12 inches. When it reaches 15 inches, it should start to bloom yellow flowers followed by seedpods but since mine isn't in full sun, it might not.

The Golden Barrel is beautiful to look at with its long yellow spines and geometric shape. I have mine planted in a location where light moisture is constant; therefore, I water it only for fertilizing purposes which is maybe twice a year. In the winter, I hope and pray that it doesn't get any extra water and keep it warm on those nights that it gets below freezing. As a result, there are a few brown places on the cactus that have been caused from the water/cold conditions but all-in-all I think it looks pretty good.

The Mam- millaria saboae f. haudeana is more easily named the Thimble Cactus. This is one of my newest additions and the cactus, itself, is fairly new to the cactus market. It is supposed to produce large dark pink flowers. It grows slowly into a clump and will have to be brought inside for the winter unless it is kept very dry during the cold months. The small offsets which form the clumps can easily fall off. I have removed several of these offsets to try and start them in another container.
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