Well, I promised to show you the spectacular blooms of the Argentine when they happened. I showed you the picutures of the buds and I waited ... and waited ... and waited. The buds showed no sign of growing until about a week ago. "Finally," I thought. Then, one of the buds grew and I thought it would bloom any night at that time.

This is how far the bloom got when it was looking normal. Then, just as it should have been opening, everything that you see that is white turned black. The tip of the bud was fused together and I couldn't coax it open even with force. I don't know what really happened. Maybe it stayed a bud too long. ...Or, maybe it was using all of its energy for the two pups I found today. One is pictured below. The other is the same size nearby. Blooms ... pups ... blooms ... pups! I like them both!!
It is and probably would be a beautiful flower, too bad it turned black-maybe that is its color?