My Cleistocactus strausii or Silver Torch stands about 5'9" tall right outside my backdoor. We bought it 3 years ago when the tallest column was only about 2.5 feet tall. It began blooming the very first spring with only one bloom. Now look at it! Yes, these are blooms! The very end of these odd blooms do open up for a short day or two and then the whole red thing falls off. The most prominent blooms in the picture above are about to open. This is also the first year that the shorter columns are blooming.
Silver Torches don't usually branch off like the shorter column did last year and we don't have an explanation as to why this one did. I have staked the tall column and the heavier split column with a piece of rebar and ribbon. The winds can get very strong here in Las Vegas and I just don't want to take any chances but the columns are pretty sturdy.
You can see where the columns get fatter and skinnier. The skinnier parts are where the cactus growth was during each winter season. I have been covering the cactus by wrapping it with burlap on nights when the temperature dips under 40 degrees but I have read that they can survive shortly in temperatures in the lower 20's. I don't care to test that theory.
As far as watering goes, thankfully, these cacti tolerate a little more water than the usual cacti. I have mine planted in area that insists on being more moist than I am comfortable with. Because of that I water the Silver Torch very rarely and, as you see, it seems to be just fine.

This is a new cactus for me. Although it said on the pot that it was a Mammillaria hahniana (or Old Lady Cactus/Birthday Cake Cactus), I believe that it is likely a Mammillaria bocasana v. rubriflora (or Powder Puff Cactus/Snowball Cactus). I have another cactus that resembles the former more than this one. Anyway, whatever it is, it is blooming!

Las Vegas Cockapoo says: Hi! You knew I wouldn't stay quiet for long! I just wanted to show you a photo of me when I was young ... last year. Here, I am 5 months old. Cute as all get out! (Not very modest.) Learning very quickly where exactly it is that Mom and Dad want me to do the dirty work and being introduced to THE BALL. Oh, the hair! Well, this was the style back in '08!
Kay, the plants are beautiful and coming along very well. You have done a great job and I am enjoying seeing them. Also seeing GG