My talents are of the musical variety and I use them to express myself whenever I'm feeling creative. First, my favorite musical instrument is the spring doorstop which is placed at my level throughout the house. I place my paw on it and pull. I am simply enamoured with the sound that it makes and the blur that appears when I especially pull it hard.
Second, I am learning to play the trash can lid. When I walk by the kitchen trash can, I can just reach out and press the lever that lifts the lid. It makes a cool sound and a few ripe smells come my way.
My third talent doesn't involve music. Yes, I am also an athelete. I can run and chase the ball as good as anyone but my favorite thing to do with the ball is play T-ball. I place the ball on the bottom shelf of a coffee table (there are several around) and then I hit it with my paw sending it in a variety of directions. When I really concentrate, I know how to send it straight to my Mom who is patiently waiting for me to return the ball to her so she can throw it again. My Mom is very patient and I think she loves watching me just to see what I will come up with next.
My fourth, but not final, talent is my ability to throw the ball with my mouth. I guess I have always been fascinated with how my Mom and Dad can throw the ball ... of course, they use their paw-like feature for this. I try and try to hold the ball with my paws while lying on my back but my muscles just don't seem to be able to go that direction by choice ... yet. Anyway, I have learned to throw the ball back to my Mom and Dad. This way, they don't pull my hair around my mouth when they try to roughly retrieve the ball with those unrefined paw-like features.
My Mom doesn't yell at me and has never hit me. She has re-directed my attention quite often. I know that but I'm easy. I'm pretty smart and very curious. (I think my dog Dad was a scientist.) I learn fast. My Mom knows that so it is difficult for me to be stubborn if I don't want to do something. My Mom and Dad are pretty special. I think I'll keep them.
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