Well, this is our backyard. It is our creation and we have strived to nuture it to a well tended garden mixed with tropical palms, desert plants and trees and various native and non-native cacti. The pool design is my own. (Pools are a must in Las Vegas!)

I don't believe you have met my Organ Pipe Cactus. I bought it about a year ago and planted it in the ground right away. It seems to be pretty happy even though it gets sun only about 3 months out of the year. It has probably doubled in size since I planted it.

You have met my Silver Torch. It has grown even more since I last wrote about it. It is doing very well and bloomed profusely this spring and summer.

This is another cactus that you have not met. It is my Red Barrel or Ferocactus cylindraceous. It is also referred to as a Fire Barrel or California Barrel. It shows as bright red especially right after a good rainfall. It needs very little water out in the wild, however, I have learned that it appreciates a lot more care when placed in a pot. Someday, I hope it will make yellow flowers.

Guess what! My Argentine Pipe Cactus is blooming again. This is the first year that it has tried to bloom twice. I am hoping that this bloom goes all the way.

Several weeks ago, I cut off an arm from the Argentine that was hanging off of the main stem in a precarious way. I cut the arm to be square on the bottom at the advice of an internet expert and waited about a week for it to dry. Then I planted it in cactus soil, waited another week then started watering it. Voila! A new Argentine, portable version!

This is my Fishhook cactus. Remember that it was beginning to bloom? Well, it's still going!
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