Okay! So, here are the rules:
1) First, you convince Mom to give you the ball as early as possible in the day. She puts it in my drawer overnight; I guess so I won't play with it at 3am. I can't help it. There's nothing like a little game time to get you back to sleep when you wake in the middle of the night.
I stand at the drawer and stare at Mom while she's on the computer ... yes, I know what that clickity thing is on the table. Sometimes I do this for an hour. It really bugs her. Finally, she let's me have my ball.
2) Second, I bring it to my bed for a little quiet time together.... Hush! I love my ball!
3) Then I take it to my crate and play a little pawball against the sides of the crate.
4) Then ... oops ... somehow it gets all tangled up in my towels. (A good excuse to pull out all the towels again.) Hmmm. If I can still see it, I scrape and scratch the towels up over it more and more and more.
5) Then, I try to find it.
This is really fun. The other day I tried it in the bedroom with the towels that make up my neatly laid out palette on the floor. Wow! What fun! Four towels, a moving blanket and my bed all in the fray! The best fun I've had in a while ... at least a day or two!
Mom just watched. I don't think it annoyed her nearly as much as hiding the ball under the couch does. You know? That couch is just a little too low to the ground.
Las Vegas Cockapoo, over and out!
GG you look so cute and innocent in this picture. Keep putting the ball under the couch-makes mom do her bending exercise.