Today, I, GG the Las Vegas Cockapoo, did my first hike. Well, actually it was the second hike but the first time I didn't have my hiking boots so it wasn't actually a hike. But, today, I had my hiking boots. I have to get used to them and break them in but they did all right. No blisters but it did seem to be rubbing on one of my boney feet. I gave Mom a hard time anyway.

I didn't really want to go hiking. The boots were cramping my style a bit. Every time I got a chance, I would just sit down. Mom would pull me up then I would sit again as soon as she gave me half a chance. When I saw a parking lot with some cars and people, she didn't have to pull me anymore ... until we had taken a snack and water break and began to move on. Then, I really gave her a hard time ... until I saw this dog running behind a guy that was running in front. Then, I was okay. Finally, I knew that what Mom was making me do was normal.

I'm gonna sleep well tonight.