Okay, here's what happened. Mom and Dad lost my ball ... okay, okay, I lost my ball. Well, the first time, I hid my ball and Mom and Dad couldn't find it. Then one day, I went and got it and they had no idea where I got it from. So ... I thought I would try that again. Well, it's gone. I think I may have tried to hide it on the balcony. Anyway, Mom took out the back-up ball. I knew it was different but, hey, it was a ball.

I like to hide my ball under my bed then try to find it. This requires pulling the bed over the ball. I grab it by my teeth and pull. Most of the time, this is hard work. The bed just pushes the ball. It is difficult to get the bed to go over on top of the ball. So ... sometimes the bed ends up in the middle of the living room. This particular time, as seen above, I wasn't watching where I was going. I was trying to pull the bed between the sofa and the coffee table. I tried and tried but I guess I wasn't strong enough. I even went around and tried to push my bed through. I kind of forgot about the ball for a while.

I gave up. Left the bed there, took my ball and laid down. Many times I'll use my ball as a pillow. Mom was taking pictures and the flash was really annoying me so I decided to stop being cute.

Hmmm. It was futile. I'm just cute. Can't help it.

My Mom says I look so innocent when I'm asleep.