When I was growing up, Mom used to put my dish on the counter in the late afternoon if I had not eaten all of it. I think she didn't like me going outside through my doggy door in the middle of the night. I'm not afraid of the dark but I think she is, or something. She shouldn't be ... I would protect her ... I know I would.
Anyway, as I was saying, she used to take away my food ... oh yeah, I said that. Anyway, so I started a redistribution plan. I developed this system whereas I took pieces of my food out of my bowl and put them in various places throughout the house. Usually, I lay them here and there on the floor or in my bed or even in the bathroom ... just in case I find them and realize I'm hungry. Then I eat them ... sometimes days later. This way, a midnight snack is not out of the question.
Well, as you can see in the picture above, I can be quite a creative canine. I laid this bite of food on the top of the back of the sofa. You see, this is creative because I'm not even allowed on the sofa when Mom or Dad isn't on the sofa. So, I had to think of this at night when they were asleep. That way, they never knew I had gotten up on the sofa to put it there. Then a few nights later, I remembered where it was and I got up there and ate it. I just crack me up!