With the wind under my ears, we were off! Aw, Dad, com'on. You don't need a soda! Let's get this show on the road! ... As long as we aren't going to the vet ... or the groomer's ... or anywhere else that requires a separation policy. Hey, so far, so good. I've never seen this road before. What's up? Probably, it's not the vet. I'm good. As long as these boxes don't come crashing down on me when Dad puts on the brakes, I'm good. Are those potato chips for me? Pardon me, sir. Might I have a potato chip? Please, please, please. Okay... I'll just lay down. But, I'm not taking my eyes off these boxes.

Hmm! That sign. I think Mom said Calee- fournya state line. Wow! That's pretty far to go for a walk. We couldn't be going to the vet. Or, the groomer. I'm really sleepy but I'm not taking my eyes off these boxes. No way. Hey, we're slowing down. A turn! Where are we? No, it's not the vet. Or, the groomer. Mom, why are you asking me to "get busy" in this dirt? Grass, Mom, I need grass!

I remember this pen! It's been a long time but I remember it. I used to climb up the sides of it. Now, I just stay inside it just to humor Mom and Dad. I could probably leap out of here with one push of the old paws. Thanks, Mom. My ball! You brought it! This is fun! I think the ball should go under all of these blankets. The dirt is an added pleasure. Dirt and blankets everywhere! Oops, the ball is in the water. How did that happen? Fun, fun, fun!

What? ... I was just playing with my ball, Mom. You gave it to me to play with, didn't you? I love my ball. How about some food? Thanks. I'll put one little piece of food here on the bed. Three here in the towel. Two here in the blanket. Oh, and a couple here in the corner of the pen. Now. I'll hunt for them and eat them.

All fun things come to an end some time. I went for a walk with Dad and when I came back there was this new blanket under my pen and it didn't scratch up very easy. So much for playing "hide the ball in the blankets." All I have to do now is chase the shade. Man! It sure is hot in the sun. That shady spot is getting smaller and smaller. Mom keeps moving my pen. That food sure smells good. I wonder what else we will do.

These are a few pictures of things I saw on my walk with Dad. There were so many things to see at my eye level. Flowers and bugs and stuff.

A cactus flower and bee.

A yellow flower and little butterfly.

Twin other yellow flowers.

A strange bird.

A strange two-headed bug.

A pretty white flower.

And, a little purple ball.

Then, we went for a drive. I was so glad to get back in the car. It was hot in my pen.

Mom and Dad kept stopping to go out and look at things. Dad would always come back to the car first and he would start the car. When he started the car, cold air would begin blowing.

I have no idea what they were looking for. Maybe they lost something.

Finally, we stopped at someone's house. There were no dogs there. Come to think of it, there weren't enough walls for a dog to be there.

We went back to the place where my pen was. Mom and Dad ate more good-smelling food. Then we all got into the car. "This was a highlight," I thought. We all went to sleep. Then, I woke up and my whole body was shaking and I wasn't even scratching! Mom beckoned me to her arms and I was so glad she was awake. I shook and shook and shook. I could tell that Mom was doing her best to comfort me but it wasn't until Dad woke up and allowed me to climb in between them that I got much relief. Boy, oh, boy, it was cold!

Finally, it was morning! Phew! What a night! We packed up the car after Dad took another nice long dip in the hot springs and went home. I slept in my own bed the rest of the day. The End.