Anyway, first I take my ball to my hallway rug and love on it a little. Then, I bring it into the living room where my bed is and play hide the ball in the bed, then try to find it. Great fun! Sometimes my bed ends up in the middle of the living room after an especially rambuncious play session.
Then, I start throwing my ball down the stairs. Let me explain. The stairs are in two parts and are made of bare wood. So, I drop it down the first set of stairs and watch it bounce loudly on each step. I love that! Then, I run after it and throw it down the second set of steps. Now. This is when I feel my Mom cringe. I have no idea why. When the ball hits the bottom floor, it makes an especially satisfying hollow noise. I try to communicate with MiniLou, my Chihuahua girlfriend in the loft below us that it is time to get up. I just don't understand why my Mom doesn't understand this.
So, anyway, sometimes, just for variety, I throw the ball kind of to the side on the lower set of steps. I forget that this is bad. The ball ends up behind that monstrosity that I think Mom calls the pano. I can't get it out from behind the pano. So, I scratch a little against the steps and wait. Sometimes I have to wait quite a while until Mom realizes that things got a little quiet. Finally, Mom comes down and moves the pano and I go in for the ball. I'm very careful when I do this to make sure I don't drop it again inside the pano.
Another dangerous situation that I get myself into on the lower level is that my ball escapes me under the small bed. I know I can go under the bed but you have to understand ... there are wires under there! Yes, wires. I have had a very bad experience involving a wire and my tongue when I was a puppy. I don't like wires. So, once again, I wait for Mom to figure out that something is wrong. (She figures it out eventually.) She comes downstairs and moves one of the wires and gives me moral support while I dog crawl under the bed and grab the ball. It's kind of like an obstacle course. I try not to touch any of the other wires while dog crawling and holding a huge tennis ball in my mouth. When I get out with the ball, Mom tells me that I'm a very brave girl.