It has been a year since I spoke much about my cactus collection. GG, the Las Vegas Cockapoo, has been taking up most of the web time. Since we moved out of the house and into a loft, much has changed to my little prickly friends.

Remember these guys? These are some of the babies that I raised from seedlings using seeds from my fishhook cactus. They are mostly around an inch tall now.

Mr. Peanut Cactus was doing great until I recently transplanted him. Now, we will just have to see what happens. So far, so good.

I'm very happy with this guy. He has grown in several different places.

Frustrated is the key word with my adenium. I have tried and tried to get rid of the bugs on this guy. His leaves still grow back all wrong.

Remember this fella called Mr. Gray Ghost? I cut his top off to try to attach another cactus on top and the other cactus died. Anyway, I stuck it in a corner and, lo and behold (good words for the Christmas season), he began growing a new one of himself.

We three old men cacti of orient not. ... Get it?

This guy is very persnickity. He seems to do best if I just leave him alone. Know anyone like that?

Seriously, this cereus is my tallest specimen from the cactus garden I purchased back in 2006.

Fake saguaro doin' fine.

Here's an old guy. I've had him since 1991 and he has since been split into several plants.

My Old Man of the Andes is undecided on whether or not he wants to live. He didn't like where I put him last summer and I believe he might have the scales disease.

Mr. Pine Cone Cactus is doing fine although he hasn't grown too much.

I cut off an arm of my Argentine Pipe Cactus that lived in my backyard before I moved. Planted it in a pot and it started to grow. I was thrilled that it was even alive and about a month ago, I noticed it had started growing a baby!

This is my very oldest cactus. It must be very hardy! I got it as a 1.5 inch in diameter youngster in 1989.

Another old one. This one was purchased in 1991. He bloomed along with the one above a couple of years ago but not since then.

This guy is not thriving but he is alive. Maybe it's the pot.

Mr. Birthday Cake Cactus isn't blooming either. In fact, none of them are. They are probably not getting enough light since I have them on my north facing balcony. The south facing balcony is too hot and there isn't any room inside facing the south.

Gasteria are very slow growing.

This gasteria is a little faster growing than the one above.

The twins are bursting at the seems now. Happy! Happy! Happy!

My Feather Cactus gave me some really nice blooms when I lived in the house where my plants had a south facing window home. Now, no blooms.

This one is making all kinds of babies all over it. I still don't really know what it is or what it will look like in maturity but it is fun to watch it. I just transplanted it. I hope it likes its new home.

Mr. Bishop's Cap gave me one flower about two years ago. Now, it teases me with flower starts.

This one is doing fine but it hasn't changed much. Just a little bigger.

This one is supposed to be fat ... I think. Either that, or he is beginning to turn columnar. Some cacti do that but, personally, I think he may be in trouble. Just waiting.

My Golden Ball Cacti are fine. The top one was about the size of the second one when I got it in the cactus garden of 2006. They naturally lean toward the sun when maturing.

This guy is very slow growing. Watching him is kind of like watching paint dry.

I don't know why but I just like this guy. I still don't know what he is. Since I brought him in from outside, as I did all of them about a month ago, he has grown a bit.

Mr., er, Ms. Powder Puff Cactus has also not bloomed. In fact, she hasn't done much of anything. I'm a little worried.

My other curiosity plant is doing pretty good. It hasn't grown much but it looks a lot healthier than it did when it went through that over-watering phase.
If you missed some cacti that you remember from before, there is only one that I still have that isn't pictured. It is my aloe plant. It is still very healthy and has its own place on the main level.